You have the razor sharp eyesight of an F1 driver if you can spot the chip in 10 seconds

This weekend, the Formula 1 circus heads to the USA for the third time this year for the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

The race, which is due to start on Saturday evening, is the first to take place in the city since 1982 when it was held in the Caesar’s Palace car park.

Ahead of the event, has created this special brainteaser to push your mind to its limits.

In the graphic above you have several elements associated with Las Vegas including its famous sign, cards, and the occasional chequered flag.

Your task is to try and find the poker chip within 10 seconds.

Did you spot the poker chip? No worries if not, the answer is above. It is sitting on the bottom right-hand corner of one of the chequered flags on the right side of the image.

It is just one of several chequered flags that will be waved this weekend as F1 weaves its way through the centre of Las Vegas on Saturday night.

In fact, the race is starting so late (6am UK time on Sunday) that it could become one of the first Grand Prix to finish on a different day than when it started.

The race is a big deal for Formula 1, because, according to the creators behind this brainteaser, the sport has reportedly put in around $500m dollars.

As a result, the race as well as the paraphernalia around it, needs to perform as fans pay high-ticket prices at an event where there are no support races.

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