Prince Harry memoir 'is not proof he took drugs', court told

The Heritage Foundation is demanding Prince Harry’s US visa application be revisited, all because of what Harry talked about in his memoir, and now it’s being said, that the book doesn’t act as “proof.”

In his 2023 memoir, entitled Spare, Harry told personal anecdotes that involved recreational drug use, and The Heritage Foundation considers this a confession and is using it against Harry. The conservative think-tank would like to know what Harry answered in his US visa application, when asked about drug use, and whether or not the US government made an allowance for him, showing him favouritism, based on his being a member of the Royal Family.

But a lawyer for the Biden administration is arguing, for all we know, the stories could have been made up, or, at the least, embellished.

John Bardo, a lawyer for the Biden administration, who said, “The book isn’t sworn testimony or proof that the Duke of Sussex did in fact take illegal drugs,” reports The Telegraph.

Bardo added: “Saying something in a book doesn’t necessarily make it true.”

READ MORE Harry can apply for US citizenship but his past may haunt him, says Michael Cole

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