Prince Charles' actor in The Crown broke down while filming 'heavy scenes'

He said: “There were some really heavy scenes this season and a lot of tears for Charles. And I love crying, so it was great.”

The actor explained the events featured in season 6 are “sort of the worst period of Charles’s life.

He explained: “It’s the death of Diana and so there’s a lot of the scenes of Charles trying to come to terms with that and breaking the news to his sons and trying to help his sons mourn and having varying degrees of success at that.

“So that’s the first two-thirds of the season, and then the last third is much happier for him as it ends with his marriage to Camilla, which was unquestioningly the best wedding I’ve ever had. It was amazing. We were in York Minster with 500 extras bowing.”

But West also added there were many good times on set as the cast have now known each other for a while.

He said: “There was a lot of set piece teas at Windsor Castle or Christmas Day or family photos or weddings where all of us were there and they were the biggest joy because you’re in a room with a bunch of people you’ve got to know quite well by this stage and everyone looks like a member of the royal family so it’s hilarious and then Imelda walks in and you go ‘my god there’s the queen’.

“I’m doing a silly sort of voice and everyone else is doing their funny voices and it’s sort of like being in a touring panto show eventually, it’s great.”

West admitted his approach to portraying the late Queen’s son for the last season has been more “relaxed” and he has “really enjoyed it”.

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