Only people with sharp eyesight can solve this electric car brainteaser in 10 seconds

Electric cars are rapidly increasing in popularity. Every year more and more people are making the switch from petrol and diesel to electric.

People are making the switch for a variety of reasons. Electric cars are much cleaner than fossil fuel-powered cars – and they’re quieter and easier to drive, making them more relaxing on long journeys.

While electric cars are proving popular with the British public, not everyone is pro-electric cars.

One of the big drawbacks of the electric car is not the car itself, but the UK’s charging network. As a result, drivers are spending more and more time waiting at charging points, a perfect opportunity for a brainteaser.

The question is whether you can spot the special charging station in the image above in under 10 seconds.

Did you spot the special charging station? No worries if not, it’s circled in black on the left of the middle of the brainteaser.

Brainteasers are a great way to stretch and push your mind, they force the brain to think differently.

They can come in all shapes and sizes. Some brainteasers, like the one above, test your vision and how quickly you can scan an image.

As well as pushing the mind, they can be a great way to spend time on a commute or while waiting for an electric car to charge up.

While many people complain about the electric car charging network in the UK, more chargers are being added every month.

The plan from electric car companies is that as the number of charging stations grows, the less worried potential buyers will be about running out of charge.

When we tested a Mercedes EQE in Finland, range anxiety (the fear of not having enough charge to make it to your destination) was a major factor in our experience of the car.

You can read our review here.

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