Michael Gove cut off by top Covid inquiry lawyer after suggesting virus was man-made

Michael Gove found himself quickly shut down at the Covid inquiry today after mentioning the virus may have been man-made.

Shortly into his evidence session, the Communities Secretary told the probe that the virus potentially being man-made impacted the Government’s response and judgement.

Asked by the inquiry’s top lawyer Hugo Keith KC whether Mr Gove accepted his trust in the Government and its structures was misplaced, and the country was unprepared, the former Cabinet Office secretary said: “We were not as well-prepared as we should have been, ideally, I think that is true.

“It’s in the nature of the fact that the virus was novel, and indeed – I think this probably goes beyond the remit of the inquiry – there is a significant body of judgement that believes the virus itself was man-made.”

As Mr Gove continued, saying “that presents a series of challenges as well”, Mr Keith cut him off.

The inquiry lawyer slapped down the Cabinet Minister, warning him to discuss such matters “forms no part of the terms of reference of this inquiry, Mr Gove”.

He added that the issue is “somewhat divisive, so we’re not going to go there”.

The origin of COVID-19, and whether Chinese scientists were involved in its creation, continues to be a controversial and divisive debate.


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