5 ways to fix a bland recipe

The goal is not to fix a dish by making it saccharine, and if you add a little sugar or a similar ingredient to something savory, it’s unlikely you will actually taste the sweetness. But as with salt, a judicious amount of

5 ways to remove creepy clickbait ads from your Instagram feed

A question was recently sent to Kurt “Cyberguy” Knutsson from a follower named Molly C., who asked: “How do I keep those onerous commercial/advertising clickbait posts off of my Instagram feed and reels, please?”  This is a common issue that people are

Ask Kurt: Best ways to save money on gas

Today’s national average of $3.42 for gas is 14 cents more than a month ago.  As you know, those numbers are always fluctuating. For that reason, I am always looking for ways to help you save money on gas.   CLICK TO

Top ways to safeguard against Social Security Number fraud

Let’s face it there are no eight numbers more important than your social security number.  It may seem like an exaggeration.  CLICK TO GET KURT’S CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS, SECURITY ALERTS AND EASY HOW-TO’S TO MAKE YOU SMARTER  You