Be well: Prevent hearing loss with these 6 expert tips

About 48 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss — and most of them wait several years before seeking help, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America, a nonprofit advocacy group based in Rockville, Maryland.   “Sound-induced hearing damage is

8 great iPhone accessibility tips to make life easier

If you’re someone with visual or hearing impairments, making your smartphone more accessible is super important. The good news is that Apple iPhones offer a bunch of features and settings to enhance your experience.  Whether you struggle with reading small text or

8 Android accessibility tips to make life easier

You don’t have a disability to benefit from some helpful accessibility features on Android. If you’re someone with visual or hearing impairments, making your smartphone more accessible is important.    The good news is that Android devices offer a number of features and settings

5 best tips to improve your cellphone signal

Poor cellphone reception can be incredibly frustrating, especially in today’s world, where we all rely so heavily on our phones for virtually everything, including communication, work and entertainment. If you’re experiencing low signal strength, you’re not alone. There are several solutions available