How to wear sunscreen the right way: Your guide to SPF

Summers come and go, yet some people still may not know how to wear sunscreen correctly. This could be concerning since these ultraviolet ray-shielding topicals can help prevent skin cancer, which is the “most commonly diagnosed cancer” in the country, according to

How to know if your sunscreen is expired

While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulations that require commercial sunscreens to have stable formulations that last for at least three years, it can be tricky to know whether your SPF has reached its end. Consumers who have purchased

Asda's £4 sunscreen beats £22 premium product in tests

A cheap supermarket own-brand sunscreen has triumphed in safety testing – while one lotion from a well-known brand has been labelled a “Don’t Buy”, according to the consumer group Which? It comes as the UK continues to Sizzle in a heatwave, as temperatures