Reporter's Notebook: Our man in Rome retires at 96

Believe it or not, Mario Biasetti surprised us with his announcement, but he is not going to sit on a Mediterranean beach. Ninety-six-year-old Mario Biasetti, a man who’s been called one of the deans of international journalism and whom we have effectively

Reporter's Notebook: Why Russians are so quick to blame the US

Those numbers we hear about—Vladimir Putin’s approval rating at a whopping 80% — mostly come from the Levada Center. It is Russia’s only independent pollster. The rate of response to its outreach is about 27% and its polls are conducted in person. Even if

Reporter's Notebook: What Russia can and can't afford

Russia’s wartime economy How has Russia’s economy faired under sanctions? Fox News correspondent Amy Kellogg interviewed a Russian expert on how the Kremlin has dealt with the crippling sanctions. There was hope the unprecedented and severe Western sanctions slapped on Russia after