How to ensure your passwords don’t die with you

As technology becomes more integrated into our lives, we need to consider how it affects our legacy and our loved ones. There are some uncomfortable but necessary end-of-life conversations we should all have with our loved ones, but passwords usually aren’t one

The very worst and weakest passwords of 2023

Passwords are our first line of defense against cyberattacks that can expose our personal and financial information to crooks, hackers, thieves, snoops, catfish creeps and criminals.  If you choose weak or predictable passwords, you’re just asking for trouble and risk losing your

Beware of CherryBlos, the Android malware that steals passwords

Picture this: You’re scrolling through your photos, reminiscing on good times, and out of nowhere – BAM! Your bank account is suddenly empty. How did that happen, you wonder?  CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH SECURITY ALERTS, QUICK TIPS, TECH

Say goodbye to Google passwords and hello to Google Passkeys

The tech giant Google is incorporating a new security feature called passkeys into its devices and platforms. Using a passkey means that anytime you’d traditionally be prompted to put in your Google account password, you’ll instead be able to securely authenticate yourself

Are your passwords safe?

Change your passwords often When you don’t have a thoughtful, strong password picked out, a clever hacker could easily compromise your privacy and security creating devastating losses and enormously painful hassles in your life.  Imagine this scenario: You’re relaxing on your couch,