Don't fall for this latest antivirus protection scam

With technology zooming ahead at lightning speed, it’s not just about the latest apps or gadgets. Sometimes, it’s the sneaky pop-ups and unsolicited messages that catch us off-guard.   CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH SECURITY ALERTS, QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS

Don't fall for that deceptive email asking for your help

It’s a jungle out there in the world of emails, a wild, unruly landscape where spam messages dart in and out like agile panthers, and phishing emails lurk like camouflaged pythons ready to pounce. Today, we turn the spotlight on a rather

Don't fall for this Instagram art scam

Picture this: You’re sipping your morning coffee, nestled in your favorite chair, scrolling through Instagram. It’s the usual spread — cat videos, foodies showcasing their avocado toast, and your friend’s 100th vacation pic.   Among these regulars is a picture you posted yesterday.

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