Desperately need Facebook help? Don’t fall for this scam.

We recently received this email from Sue M. about a scam she nearly fell for when she tried changing her Facebook account password. CLICK TO GET KURT’S CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS, SECURITY ALERTS AND EASY HOW-TO’S TO MAKE YOU

How to be remembered forever on Facebook

Recently, I received an email from Michael who asked this question: “My topic is about what to do with our parents’ “Digital Footprints” after they pass or even footprints of someone who passes in our family. What options do survivors have and how

Watch out for this Zelle imposter scam on Facebook Marketplace

You’ve heard all the horror stories of people getting scammed trying to buy products on Facebook Marketplace. Now it is happening to sellers. Some people who use Facebook Marketplace have fallen victim to a wicked Zelle scam while trying to innocently sell

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