Beware of the 'Say Yes' phone scam

Have you ever received a call from an unknown number, only to be greeted with the question, “Can you hear me?” This is a common tactic used in the “Say Yes” phone scam, which has been around for a while and is

Beware – that dream job offer could actually be a malware scam

Overseas hackers target American benefits Fox News senior national correspondent William La Jeunesse reports on scammers targeting SNAP benefits, welfare, unemployment insurance and more through debt or EBT cards. The software company ESET has revealed that hackers are now trying to trick

Beware of CherryBlos, the Android malware that steals passwords

Picture this: You’re scrolling through your photos, reminiscing on good times, and out of nowhere – BAM! Your bank account is suddenly empty. How did that happen, you wonder?  CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH SECURITY ALERTS, QUICK TIPS, TECH

Beware of this new Mac malware targeting your data, devices

In the grand scheme of cyberthreats, a new villain has emerged from the shadows, targeting none other than our beloved Mac users.  With a penchant for pilfering passwords, greed for grabbing crypto and a propensity for pocketing personal data, this digital bandit