Top apps to troubleshoot your Wi-Fi signal

I think we can all agree on how frustrating it is when our Wi-Fi is super slow, especially when we’re at home. We expect our internet service to perform at its best, given the amount we pay for it. There are ways

6 must-have apps to amp up your next party

I don’t know about you, but I personally love a good party with family and friends. Aside from spending time with your loved ones and having delicious food, there are other ways that you can guarantee your party to be one to

Is it worth it? Must-have apps vs. the money drains

Seeing a charge come through for a streaming service you forgot you even subscribed to is a special kind of frustration. This is bound to happen if you sign up for free trials but never set a reminder to cancel before you’re

Best free apps for creating short videos

You may not be Steven Spielberg, but your friends and family may think so after you tap into any of these super easy ways to make a movie on your phone. I was inspired to write this article after recently receiving a great

Delete these dangerous Android apps now

The cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has discovered a new Android subscription malware on Google Play, the official Android app store. The new malware has been given the name Fleckpe and is the newest addition to the realm of malware that generates unauthorized charges

5 best telemedicine apps for virtual health care

Since the start of the pandemic, virtual visits with doctors have grown increasingly in popularity. These online visits were originally meant to keep people from contracting COVID-19, but now, many people opt to use telemedicine apps because of convenience and low costs.