How to digitize old photos and slides

Gone are the days when we had to wait seemingly forever, sometimes weeks, to get a glimpse of our vacation pictures once they were developed and printed.   CLICK TO GET KURT’S CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS, SECURITY ALERTS AND EASY

How to tell if your cell phone has been secretly hijacked

We’ve all been instructed to be alert for potential malware contaminating our devices. Infections often find their way to our computers, phones and tablets after clicking a dangerous link, downloading an attachment from an unknown email, or even downloading a malicious app from

Most creepy iPhone setting needs to be adjusted

Every app on your iPhone comes with a certain set of permissions depending on what the app is used for. CLICK TO GET KURT’S CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS, SECURITY ALERTS AND EASY HOW-TO’S TO MAKE YOU SMARTER For example,

5 new Apple products possibly coming in 2023

Apple had a killer year in 2022 with some very well-received additions to its long list of high-tech products, including the iPhone 14 Pro, Apple Watch 8, and AirPods Pro 2. CLICK TO GET KURT’S CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS,

5 Simple and easy ways to dogproof your house and car

There are few better feelings than coming home at the end of the day and being greeted by our four-legged friends – especially if her name is Rosie – Until you notice she’s wreaked havoc on the house. Whether you can take

A new innovation delivers perfectly fitting clothes

Despite the convenience of shopping from your sofa, buying clothes online is a risky proposition unless you already know exactly how they will fit.  Returning items you pull out of an online delivery that is either too big or small is a

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